Sheriff Kevin J. McConville is pleased to announce that the Putnam County Sheriff's Office has achieved law enforcement accreditation from the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services.
According to DCJS "The Law Enforcement Agency Accreditation Program is voluntary and designed to improve an agency's effectiveness, efficiency and professionalism; promote training and foster public confidence in law enforcement." Agencies must meet or exceed standards in Administration, Training and Operations and be willing to maintain these standards on a daily basis. Members of the Sheriff's Office worked for over a year on policies and procedures that will guide them as they perform their daily job functions in a professional manner to provide the best law enforcement services to the residents and visitors of Putnam County.
A team of accreditation assessors, consisting of current and retired law enforcement professionals, performed a thorough on-site review of department policies and conducted interviews of staff and observed overall operations. They recommended to the Accreditation Council that the Sheriff's Office receive accreditation certification. The certificate is good for five years and agencies are then required to be reevaluated on a five-year cycle.
Sheriff McConville said that "I am proud of the men and women of the Sheriff's Office. It was a long road to achieve this honor, and it is a testament to the job that they do on a daily basis to protect and serve the citizens of Putnam County."
Photo caption from left to right: Captain Alfano, Senior Investigator Hill, Sergeant Rossiter, Captain Knox, Sheriff McConville, Undersheriff Lindert, Captain Schepperly, 1st Sergeant Cihanek