Captain John Alfano has served for over 24 years in Law Enforcement, beginning with the New York State Department of Correctional Services, serving as a New York State Corrections Officer. From there, he began his career at the Putnam County Sheriff's Office, serving first as a Corrections Officer. Once there, he was promoted to Deputy Sheriff of the Road Patrol Division. His next assignment was as a Deputy Sheriff in the Narcotics Enforcement Unit. His career path with the Putnam County Sheriff's Office then continued onto serving in the following positions: Investigator in the Identifications Unit, Sergeant in the Road Patrol Division, Investigator in the Bureau of Criminal Investigations, Investigator in the Narcotics Enforcement Unit, Senior Investigator in the Crime Scene Unit, Senior Investigator of the Bureau of Criminal Investigations, Unit Coordinator for the Bureau of Criminal Investigations, before then being promoted to the Captain of the Bureau of Criminal Investigations. Captain Alfano also serves as the Team Leader of the Hostage Negotiator Team.